Sticker Search, Multiple Photos, and More

In other news: Telegram has now reached 200 million monthly active users.

Today we're launching Telegram 4.8 for iOS and Telegram 4.8.5 for Android which make it much easier to discover new stickers. From now on, when you type one emoji, you will see suggestions not just from the sticker sets you've added, but also from other popular sets.

Suggested Stickers

Sticker Search

We've added search for sticker sets. Scroll up in the sticker panel to find the new search field that will help you find something quickly – be it a set you've added, or a brand new pack of easter bears.

Multi-Shot Sending

Need a couple of extra selfies to maximize dramatic effect? Dog can't stop doing adorable tricks? Not a problem. Use the new + button when taking a photo to take and send multiple media one after another.

Take & Send Multiple Photos

Auto-Night Mode and Connected Websites

Telegram for iOS v.4.8 also includes some of the goodies which Android users have been enjoying since the previous release. With Auto-Night Mode settings you can automatically switch to the dark version of the interface after nightfall or in low-light conditions:

Auto-Night Mode Settings on iOS

As of v.4.8, the iOS app also supports text formatting in media captions, reporting individual messages in public entities, and has a section where you can manage connected websites.

Oh, and we've optimized battery usage so that you can enjoy all of the above even longer on a single charge.

March 22, 2018,
The Telegram Team

P.S. In case you missed this, Telegram has now reached 200 million active users.

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