GIF Search and More

OK, so there is a celebration in the Android camp today. Telegram for Android was redesigned and loaded with new features. But what about the iPhone fan army? It turns out, the iOS app got something just as great.

In addition to granular controls for hiding your Last Seen and other privacy settings, today’s iPhone update introduces a great media feature – Animated GIF search.

How Does This Work?

You can find and share images from the Web using the “Find Images” attachment option. Today the Web image search got two new tabs – GIFs and Recent. The GIFs tab allows you to search through thousands of great GIF animations, powered by Giphy. Just type in a keyword and have fun.

All images from the Web and GIFs you share will be saved in the Recent tab. You can go that tab whenever you're out of words and instantly share any of them just in three quick taps. If you forward an incoming GIF to a contact, that animation will also be available from the Recent tab. And yes, you can send multiple GIFs at once.

One More Thing

Another media feature we added to the iPhone app today are previews for YouTube and Instagram links. If a message contains nothing but a link to YouTube or Instagram, it will be transformed into a thumbnail with relevant information, such as title and duration. Check it out!

..but I'm on Android

All of this is coming to our Android app in the next updates. So for now, sit back and enjoy your new privacy settings and material design. Soon we'll have GIFs and images for you as well!

The Telegram Team
November 19, 2014

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